Hybrid-based videoconferencing & collaboration

Hybrid-based videoconferencing & collaboration

  • HD videoconferencing
  • Collaborative tools
  • Content sharing
  • Services
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Achieve big while protecting your investments

Are you working today the way you used to 5 years ago?
Working from everywhere is the new normal. It became essential for your company to ensure smooth communication between your teams.

Our solutions

On premises

Videoconferencing and collaboration solution hosted in your premises


Your videoconferencing and collaborative tools hosted in Elit-Technologies data-centers.

We have made alliances with the world’s best-performing technology manufacturers so as to provide you with best-in-class solutions.

Experience the power of effective communications within your teams

Speed up decision processes

It is essential to simplify the way the people interact. Together, we can enable efficient workforce thanks to visual communication and collaboration solutions.

Improve customer satisfaction

Use collaborative tools to make it easier for customers and employees to meet easily, anytime, from anywhere and on any device.

Drive growth with innovation

The amazing power of collaboration can help your teams accelerate the creation of new products and services, improve processes and drive growth.

Market leading devices

Why choose Elit-Technologies ?

Proactive support center

Elit-Technologies cares about its clients and manages your assets real time. We proactively handle the failure that cause downtime and solve the problem before it affects your users.

Flexibility and proximity

Our clients benefit from an assigned team to accompany them in the different stages of their project. They chose their deployment model, on premises, cloud or hybrid.

Control and flexibility

Elit-Technologies has a lot of recognition as a collaboration expert and as such holds the highest certification levels.
We can deploy solutions from mobile to the boardroom.


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